This Girl DID IT!!! | Minneapolis Photographer

June 05, 2017  •  1 Comment

And it's DONE!

8-week Hardcore Trainer

Last weight session of the Series | Minneapolis PhotographerLast weight session of the Series | Minneapolis PhotographerFinished my 8 weeks of Hardcore!

  I finished it, 8 weeks of the most badass fitness program I could find to tackle, and I DID IT!!!  Although I didn't follow it 100%, I'm happy with what I could do.  Some of the issues is that my gym simply doesn't have the equipment so variations had to be made.  Other issues had to deal with time.  My gym is open from 5AM to 10PM Monday-Saturday, and I'm already there at 5AM.  Those days when I taught and then hit the sidelines, there was no opportunity to get that second cardio session in.  Or those wedding days, up at 4:30 for the gym, out the door around 11AM for the wedding, getting home 12 hours later.  There wasn't time, simply put..

Wonder Woman has nothing on me!Wonder Woman has nothing on me!Finished my 8 weeks of Hardcore!

  I didn't do the diet the best, either.  I'm diabetic, I eat fairly low carb, 24/7.. except on wedding days.  But we've talked about my weakness for wedding cake and other things a short while back.  I didn't discover my new VERY favorite protein bars!

My FAVORITE Protein Bar | Minneapolis PhotographerMy FAVORITE Protein Bar | Minneapolis PhotographerFinished my 8 weeks of Hardcore!

   I did notice a decrease in strength...  The rep and set cadence didn't seem to allow for strength gains.  I truly noticed that when it came to moves like Hammer curls, 1-arm Rows, and Leg Extension.  That's ok, though, I'm still functioning well, tasks of daily living are still easy, and I can lug around a 50# bag of dog food like it's nothing.  But yeah, I'll be working on getting the strength back this summer...

Last of the Two A Days | Minnesota Wedding PhotographerLast of the Two A Days | Minnesota Wedding PhotographerFinished my 8 weeks of Hardcore!

   I don't know where I'm headed... yet.  I have a new 4-week program; 4 days of lifting, 2 days of serious cardio with abs and a day of active rest.  More than likely, I'll be doing some type of modified low carb eating...  Stick around...  I guarantee this is going to keep being interesting!


I have a Tupac | Chaska PhotographerI have a Tupac | Chaska PhotographerFinished my 8 weeks of Hardcore!


Ron Melby
That's strange you didn't get any strength, but it seemed like you were sore a lot. Maybe you need even more protein for muscle growth.
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