Happy 2020 | Minneapolis Wedding Photography

January 13, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Happy 2020!

  I've always been passionate about photography; capturing moments and memories that happen only once in a fleeting second and then they're gone.  What I'm not passionate about is business and marketing.  For those of you who are small business owners, you know that's not a good thing!

   So, I'm refocused on the passions of my life, family, photography, and yes, business and marketing.  I hope this blog will become something like reading a letter from a trusted sister or Aunt: a little bit about me and my fitness and Diabetes, a little advice, a little bit of fun.

   Although 2019 brought me joys, it brought me losses.  We lost my beloved Husky/Sheppard, Ella, in September, and my own dad passed in November.  But the highs were incredible!  I saw the Grand Canyon with one of my best friends, Linda, and we were joined by our other "Sister", Jessica for a wonderful few days in Phoenix, shooting amazing images and catching up.

   I traveled to Nashville, Phoenix, Lake Michigan, and many spots in between. I met friends from my social media world that have crossed over to real friends. I saw the Great Salt Lake, the Grand Canyon and strolled the streets of Cave Creek.  I saw my son play college lacrosse against my Alma Mater, Grand Valley State University, and better yet, I traveled to Salt Lake City and saw his team from the University of St. Thomas win the National MCLA DII Championship!   I still have Diabetes, something I have come to accept that they won't find a cure in my life time.  I actually marked 42 years this past June 14th.

   I still am crazy about the gym and plan on lifting weights until I no longer am physically able. I still get incredible joy when the the snow falls.  I love to be out in my garden.  My favorite place in this world is still sitting on the beaches on Lake Michigan.  I meet people that fill me with wonder and amazing me with their resilience. I worry, like most, about the state of our world. I still have moments that inspire me almost every day of my life to be a better person to everyone and everything around me.


A Bridal party cheers for the coupleCheering on the Happy CoupleThe Bridal party cheers for the kissing couple

A wedding couple kiss surrounded by the colors of a sunsetA Romantic Kiss : TPC Twin CitiesA Romantic Kiss at Sunset A boudoir image, a high school senior, and family portraitsFour Types of Session : Chaska PhotographerWe offer various types of sessions, from family, seniors, and boudoir
MCLA DII National ChampionsMCLA DII National ChampionsA picture of the University of St. Thomas Men's Lacrosse team - THE National Champions!

Ella, My DogElla, My DogA Beautifully serene picture of the Photographer's Husky/Sheppard mix


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