Thank You!
You’ve been on my mind as we all try to navigate returning to Pre-Covid normalcy. Remember when hugs were ok? I personally miss those days. I can't wait to get back to hugging my family friends.I also miss going out to restaurants, summer festivals in our great state, and international travel! (I haven't seen my daughter in 18 months other than through Facetime) What are you looking forward to doing again?
Chaska High School Senior PortraitsWhen only the most badass Senior Portraits will do, choose Memories in Time Photography
With things starting to open up again, I wanted to offer a sincere "thank you" to all of you who helped keep my small business afloat. It might look a little different, I probably won’t give you hugs for a while, but the same love and attention you always got during your session will still be there!
I’m so excited to be back out there giving you beautiful images. I don’t know about you, but I won’t take for granted my time with loved ones again, and I sure want more photos to document our lives!
Minnesota Family PhotographyFamily images captured by Memories in Time Photography
I have a little gift for you today to say how much I appreciate your support! Yep, if you book your session this week, (June 21-28, 2021) you’ll get 50% off the session fee! You can buy your session now and have your session anytime before the end of 2021. Thank you so much for your continued support of my small business! I can’t wait to get you in front of my camera soon!
Much love,
(952) 288-8617
Memories in Time Photography
1589 MN-7 #203
Hopkins, MN
952 288-8617